
Buddy Week

Buddy week is an excellent opportunity for students to share Taekwondo with friends and family. Students can bring as many people to class as they would like during this week.

Buddies will participate in stretching and exercises, learn martial arts techniques, and even have the chance to break a board! They will also receive VIP Passes for one week of free Taekwondo lessons.

Birthday Parties


Professionally staffed parties are held on Saturday afternoons for 2 hours, and are great for kids ages 4 and up. (Times vary by location & availability.)

All parents of guests are encouraged to stay and watch the fun!

To schedule your party, you can either fill out our contact form or call us directly.

  • Invitation cards for each guest
  • Unlimited Birthday Guests
  • Each birthday guest will receive a board to break
  • A Taekwondo demonstration
  • A chance to participate in a mini Taekwondo class and learn basic self-defense techniques
  • Fun exercises & games
  • We do the clean up!
  • Cost: $200

Includes everything in the Basic Birthday Party in addition to:
  • Two large 1-topping pizzas of your choice
  • Two 2-liter sodas of your choice
  • A taekwondo birthday cake made to look like the dojang
  • Cost: $250

Summer Camp

We offer three week-long sessions of summer camp, held at our New Berlin location.
Children are dropped off each morning for a day full of fun and learning.

  • Field trips to a bowling alley, a petting zoo, miniature golfing, the latest blockbuster movie at
    the Ridge Cinema, and more!
  • Multiple arts and crafts
  • Korean language class - learn the Korean alphabet, words and phrases
  • Fun exercise-related games including dodge ball, relay races, and more
  • Taekwondo class throughout the week
  • Snacks are provided by us
  • An all-day visit to StoneFire Pizza for the all-you-can-eat buffet and games!


Grand Master Yun has been hosting the annual World Martial Arts Academy Fall Classic Tournament since 1994. Many local martial arts schools are invited, as well as schools throughout the midwest.

In addition to the WMAA Fall Classic tournament, students may participate in other tournaments throughout the year.

Tournaments are open to all ages and belt ranks, and competitors will be grouped accordingly. Students compete in up to three events: Forms, Breaking, and/or Sparring.

Tournaments are a great opportunity for students to test their skills against other competitors, build confidence, and learn good sportsmanship. Grand Master Yun highly recommends that everyone participate in this excellent experience.

Board Break-a-Thons

Grand Master Yun is a firm believer in helping out the community through fundraising for charities. WMAA hosts the Board Break-a-thon fundraiser annually with great success. In the past, our Break-a-thons have raised money for Children's Hospital for cancer research and, most recently, raised over $10,000 for a family of 2 students that attend WMAA.

To raise money, students take pledges for boards that they will break. This is also a great opportunity to bring family and friends to see your techniques. Breaking boards isn't just for students; anyone who comes to the event and makes a donation has the chance to break boards as well! All proceeds go to the chosen charity.

The success of the Break-a-thons is due to the determined students who raise as much money as they can, as well as the parents and students who volunteer their time to help set up and keep things running.